Due to May bank holidays, processing orders will take longer than usual.

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Book cover of 100 Poems

100 Poems

Seamus Heaney


Scheduled maintenance is currently ongoing. It won't be possible for orders to be placed or processed until the 10th of May. 

Coup de coeur
Coup de coeur (Poetry), by Octavia

Heaney's poetry pulls the soft memory of moments to the surface, each piece evocatively placing us in a space and time of almost tangible nostalgia. Reading this collection in summer, one feels more than ever the effect the natural world has on our absorption of a moment in time - like being soaked in the sweetness and delicate melancholy of the late afternoon sun.

Seamus Heaney had the idea to form a personal selection from across the entire arc of his poetry, small yet comprehensive enough to serve as an introduction for all comers. He never managed to do this in his lifetime, and no edition exists which has such a broad range, drawing from first collection to last. But now, at last, the project has been returned to, resulting in an intimate gathering of poems chosen and introduced by the Heaney family.

Coinciding with the National Library of Ireland launching a major exhibition dedicated to the life and work of Seamus Heaney, 100 Poems is a singular, accessible collection for new and younger readers that has the opportunity to reach far and wide, now and for years to come.

Publisher: Faber & Faber
Binding: Paperback
Publication date: 07 Apr 2022
Dimensions: 131 x 197 x 19 mm
ISBN: 9780571347162

Dear Customers,

Website orders and inquiries are processed from Monday to Friday. 

The bookshop & the café will be closed on the 1st and 20th of May.

Books listed on the website are not necessarily in stock at the bookshop and may need to be ordered.

Thank you for your understanding ❤️

Chers clients,

Les commandes de la librairie sont traitées du lundi au vendredi. 

La librairie & le café seront fermés le 1er mai, ainsi que le 20 mai.

Les livres répertoriés sur le site ne sont pas forcément en stock à la librairie et doivent être commandés.

Merci pour votre compréhension ❤️