Due to May bank holidays, processing orders will take longer than usual.

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Book cover of Activating the Common Good

Activating the Common Good

Reclaiming Control of Our Collective Well-Being

Peter Block


Scheduled maintenance is currently ongoing. It won't be possible for orders to be placed or processed until the 10th of May. 

A powerful, inspiring, and achievable vision of a society based on cooperation and community instead of competition and commodification.

This book counters the dominant and destructive story that we are polarized, violent, selfish, and destined to consume everything in sight. That is not who we are.

The challenge, Peter Block says, is that we are suffering under an economic theology that is based on scarcity, self-interest, competition, and infinite growth. We’re told we can purchase and outsource all that matters. Block calls this the “business perspective narrative.” It dominates not only the economy but also architecture, faith communities, journalism, arts, neighborhoods, and much more.

Block offers an antidote: the “common good narrative.” It embodies the belief that we are basically communal and cooperative. And that we have the capacity to communally produce what we care most about: raising a child, safety, livelihood, health, and a clean and sustainable environment.

This book describes how shifts to the common good perspective could transform many areas, fostering journalism that reports on what works, architecture that designs habitable spaces creating connection, faith collectives that build community, a market that is restrained and local, and leadership and activism that build social capital by creating trust among citizens. With these shifts, we would fundamentally change the world we live in for the better.
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Binding: Hardback
Publication date: 28 Nov 2023
Dimensions: 158 x 237 x 19 mm
ISBN: 9781523005963

Dear Customers,

Website orders and inquiries are processed from Monday to Friday. 

The bookshop & the café will be closed on the 1st and 20th of May.

Books listed on the website are not necessarily in stock at the bookshop and may need to be ordered.

Thank you for your understanding ❤️

Chers clients,

Les commandes de la librairie sont traitées du lundi au vendredi. 

La librairie & le café seront fermés le 1er mai, ainsi que le 20 mai.

Les livres répertoriés sur le site ne sont pas forcément en stock à la librairie et doivent être commandés.

Merci pour votre compréhension ❤️