Dharshini David
23 €
Why might an orangutan care which toothpaste you choose? What does yourmobile phone have to do with wind turbines? And can your morning coffee reallypower abus?Economicsaffects every aspect of our lives, from the clothes on our backs to the breadon our tables and the fuel in our cars. And there are huge changes afoot asthe global green revolution sweeps across the globe.Inthis vibrant and eye-opening book, economist and broadcaster Dharshini Davidfollows the course of an average day - from the moment we flick on the lightin the morning - to reveal the green changes that are already taking place inevery aspect of our world. Exploring industries such as energy, food, fashion,technology, manufacturing and finance, she asks what is happening, howquickly, who is driving it all - and what it means for us. Ranging fromcrucial issues such as sustainability and corporate greenwashing, to globalflashpoints such as industrialisation and trade wars, she shows how even thesmallest details in our day are part of a much bigger story about where ourworld is heading.
Publisher: Elliot & Thompson Limited
Binding: Paperback
Publication date: 20 Jun 2024
Dimensions: 153 x 234 x 21 mm
ISBN: 9781783966769