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The Strange Tale of an Extra-Special Talking Mongoose

Christopher Josiffe

Coup de coeur
Coup de coeur (Esoterics), by Adam
The case of Gef the talking mongoose will be familiar to anyone who grew up reading true ghost stories in the 1980s. This exhaustively researched investigation into what actually happened to the Irving family in the 1930s, and who exactly the mischievous voice belonged to, is entertaining in its strangeness, and a fascinating snapshot of a time, place and culture.
An exhaustive investigation of the case of Gef, a “talking mongoose” or “man-weasel,” who appeared to a family living on the Isle of Man.

“I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!”

During the mid-1930s, British and overseas newspapers were full of incredible stories about Gef, a “talking mongoose” or “man-weasel” who had allegedly appeared in the home of the Irvings, a farming family in a remote district of the Isle of Man. The creature was said to speak in several languages, to sing, to steal objects from nearby farms, and to eavesdrop on local people.

Despite written reports, magazine articles and books, several photographs, fur samples and paw prints, voluminous correspondence, and signed eyewitness statements, there is still no consensus as to what was really happening to the Irving family.

Was it a hoax? An extreme case of folie à plusieurs? A poltergeist? The possession of an animal by an evil spirit? Now you can read all the evidence and decide for yourself. Seven years' research and interviews, photographs (many previously unseen), interviews with surviving witnesses, visits to the site—all are presented in this book, the first examination of the case for seventy years.

In the words of its mischievous, enigmatic subject, “If you knew what I know, you'd know a hell of a lot!"

Publisher: Strange Attractor Press
Binding: Paperback
Publication date: 30 Jun 2017
Dimensions: 195 x 210 x 33 mm
ISBN: 9781907222481