Due to May bank holidays, processing orders will take longer than usual.

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Book cover of The Carbon Almanac

The Carbon Almanac

The Carbon Almanac Network


Scheduled maintenance is currently ongoing. It won't be possible for orders to be placed or processed until the 10th of May. 

When it comes to the climate, we don't need more marketing or anxiety. We need established facts and a plan for collective action.

The climate is the fundamental issue of our time, yet it seems we can barely agree on what is really going on, let alone what needs to be done. We urgently need facts, not opinions. Insights, not statistics.

The Carbon Almanac is a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between hundreds of writers, researchers, thinkers, and leaders that focuses on what we know, what has come before, and what might happen next. With thousands of data points, articles and charts explaining carbon's impact on everything in our society, from our the economy to extreme weather events, it is the definitive source for facts and the basis for a global movement to fight climate change.

This book isn't what the oil companies, marketers, activists, or politicians want you to believe. This is what's really happening, right now. Our planet is in trouble, and no one concerned group, corporation, country, or hemisphere can
address this on its own. We are in this together. And it's not too late for concerted, collective action for change.

Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd
Binding: Paperback
Publication date: 11 Aug 2022
Dimensions: 216 x 277 x 28 mm
ISBN: 9780241594827

Dear Customers,

Website orders and inquiries are processed from Monday to Friday. 

The bookshop & the café will be closed on the 1st and 20th of May.

Books listed on the website are not necessarily in stock at the bookshop and may need to be ordered.

Thank you for your understanding ❤️

Chers clients,

Les commandes de la librairie sont traitées du lundi au vendredi. 

La librairie & le café seront fermés le 1er mai, ainsi que le 20 mai.

Les livres répertoriés sur le site ne sont pas forcément en stock à la librairie et doivent être commandés.

Merci pour votre compréhension ❤️