Website orders and inquiries are processed from Monday to Friday

16 June 2024, 14:00 - 19:00 

Bloomsday! Celebrating James Joyce's Ulysses

"When one reads these strange pages of one long gone one feels that one is at one with one who once..."

— James Joyce, Ulysses

Hopalong for a Bloomsday afternoon at Shakespeare and Company...

This June 16th revels will include readings, music and a picnic of burgundy and gorgonzola sandwiches, beginning at 2pm and carrying on until Circe's visions lift and Molly Bloom calls us home. Ceremonies led by Prof. Lex Paulson Executive Director of the School of Collective Intelligence at Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique in Morocco. Lovers and curious onlookers welcome.

Plan to read Ulysses before Bloomsday 2024? Listen to Friends of Shakespeare and Company read Ulysses by James Joyce, click here, or subscribe now wherever you get your podcasts.

IMG 1060
“Shakespeare is the happy hunting ground of all minds that have lost their balance.”

Dear Customers,

Website orders and inquiries are processed from Monday to Friday. 

The bookshop will be closed on the 1st and 20th of May.

Books listed on the website are not necessarily in stock at the bookshop and may need to be ordered.

Thank you for your understanding ❤️

Chers clients,

Les commandes de la librairie sont traitées du lundi au vendredi. 

La librairie sera fermée le 1er mai, ainsi que le 20 mai.

Les livres répertoriés sur le site ne sont pas forcément en stock à la librairie et doivent être commandés.

Merci pour votre compréhension ❤️